“Truly understanding and embodying your biological processes of stress is the keystone to your freedom, resilience & well-being. It allows you to come home to your body and use that power to adapt and thrive.”





Somatic Stress Release™ is a holistic system to enhance body awareness and increase capacity to complete biological stress responses. The intention is to restore and optimize your fundamental ability to adapt and navigate life with ease and agency. Somatic Stress Release™ teaches you how to enhance your capacity to identify internal responses to stressors, and mobilize that energy towards restoration and ease. 



Stress related health challenges are now a widespread global issue. Research links stress to physiological conditions like cardiovascular distress, immunosuppression, and gastro-intestinal problems. Stress adversely impacts attention, concentration, critical thinking, and other cognitive functions. Family and social relationships suffer.

While we might perceive stress as happening around us, it is actually happening within us. A physiological stress response happens throughout every system of the body, ultimately interacting with every cell. Our stress responses are interwoven with our emotions, immune function, thoughts, breath, and movements.

Our innate stress response could be described as a natural and helpful response to adapt and thrive in the world. But at times a lack of support and resources take our stress response offline and thwart our ability to utilize our stress response to navigate and have agency in relation to our current situations. When this happens we are unable to properly process and mobilize stress. We begin to form compensational patterns that over time wear down on our nervous system and show up as challenges to our health, focus, productivity, behavior, and relationships.

As we lose our ability to adapt, we start to experience a flooding of incomplete stress responses, known as chronic stress. Chronic stress wreaks havoc on our health, impacts biological energy conservation, and makes us less attuned to the need for self-care.


Somatic Stress Release™ is a holistic approach that recognizes the complex layering of each individual's relationship to stress. Stress manifests itself in each person’s body differently. Understanding this unique body response allows each person to process and navigate the intricate layers of stress. One of the most effective pathways towards that awareness and negotiation is through feeling a deeper sense of and connection with the body-mind, an approach called somatics.

‘Soma’ is a Greek word for ‘the living body known from within’. As infants, we addressed stress through our primarily modes of communication and expression- movement, sound, and touch. Stress is experienced and expressed through the body- and therefore can only truly be processed, metabolized, and healed through the body. We can’t think our way out of stress, and we can’t meditate our way out of stress. Stress is fundamental to our survival- however it was never meant to be unchecked and driving our lives.

The inability to process and actualize our stress response creates an overwhelm in the body. This can take us away from feeling at home in our body, and creating a split within ourselves. This disconnection leaves us with less resources to work through stress to adapt and return to balance. Addressing this damaging cycle is an integral component of this modality.

Returning to our primal modes of processing stress through body-based therapeutic techniques allows us to come home to ourselves to address habitual responses more quickly of internal and external stressors, and processes unresolved and stored stress in the body.

Somatic Stress Release™ offers holistic techniques for clients to sense and regulate their own physiology and states of being. This includes building more resources, building trusting and co-regulatory relationships, being invited deeper in the body to restore impulse and intuition, and given time and space to process the underlying emotions as guidance towards actualizing needs. Somatic Stress Release can access and metabolize deeply stored stress to help restore optimal functioning and well-being.


Explore the power of somatics to release stress and restore resilience!




Dr. Scott Lyons is a holistic psychologist, educator and author of the book Addicted to Drama: Healing Dependency on Crisis and Chaos in Yourself and Others, with Hachette publishing.

As a renowned body-based trauma expert, Doctor of Osteopathy and Mind-Body Medicine specialist, Scott helps people to break free from cycles of pain, limited beliefs, and trauma. Scott is an innovator in transformative wellness and trauma therapy, teaching over half a million people internationally over the past twenty years how to relieve stress and restore vitality. Scott has worked with many of the country’s top leaders and CEOs as an executive coach and wellness consultant.

Scott is the creator of The Embody Lab — the largest online learning platform for body-based trauma therapies— and developer of Somatic Stress Release™, a holistic process of restoring biological resilience, taught in over 20 countries. Scott is also the founder and progressive designer of Omala, a wellness brand dedicated to creating sustainably sourced tools for transformation.

Scott has been featured in The New York Times, Vanity Fair, ForbesWomen, Fast Company, Publisher’s Weekly, Fortune, Bustle, and Reader’s Digest. He has also appeared on The Jordan Harbinger Show, The Mental Illness Happy Hour, The Genius Life and How to Talk to Girls.


Learn the power of somatics to unblock stuck emotions, release body tension, restore resilience, and free yourself and others from the ongoing impact of stress on your wellbeing.