“Truly understanding and embodying your biological processes of stress is the keystone to your freedom, resilience & well-being. It allows you to come home to your body and use that power to adapt and thrive.”




Learn to restore your biological stress response system with Dr. Scott Lyons’ live, online Somatic Stress Release™ training.

Somatic Stress Release™ is a holistic system to enhance body awareness and increase capacity to complete biological stress responses. The intention is to restore and optimize your fundamental ability to adapt and navigate life with ease and agency. You will learn how to enhance your capacity to identify internal responses to stressors, and mobilize that energy towards restoration and ease. 

In this 100 hour certificate program you will:

  • Gain a deeper understanding of the biological, social, and psychological aspects of stress. 

  • Identify somatic symptoms and triggers for emotional and physical distress.

  • Learn embodied mindfulness and resilience training techniques.

  • Engage in movement meditations and breath work to release trapped or stored arousal energy.

  • Stop burnout and rebuild depleted biological resources.

  • Learn to take control of your relationship to stress in order to live a life of greater well-being.

Somatic Stress Release™ empowers you and your clients to holistically discharge stress, blocked emotions, and body tension, as well as relieve stagnated energy while restoring resilience.

Looking for a Somatic Stress Release™ therapist or practitioner?



Sunday, June 1st, 2025 from 3 - 4:30pm ET

Join Dr. Scott Lyons, founder of The Embody Lab and the Somatic Stress Release™ program, for this FREE and LIVE information session where he will offer answers to the most frequently asked questions.



If you’re ready to free yourself and others from blocked emotions, body tension, stagnated energy, and the ongoing impact of stress on your wellbeing, then join us and learn the power of somatics to release stress and restore resilience!



Stress related health challenges are now a widespread global issue. Research links stress to physiological conditions like cardiovascular distress, immunosuppression, and gastro-intestinal problems. Stress adversely impacts attention, concentration, critical thinking, and other cognitive functions. Family and social relationships suffer.

While we might perceive stress as happening around us, it is actually happening within us. A physiological stress response happens throughout every system of the body, ultimately interacting with every cell. Our stress responses are interwoven with our emotions, immune function, thoughts, breath, and movements.

Our innate stress response could be described as a natural and helpful response to adapt and thrive in the world. But at times a lack of support and resources take our stress response offline and thwart our ability to utilize our stress response to navigate and have agency in relation to our current situations. When this happens we are unable to properly process and mobilize stress. We begin to form compensational patterns that over time wear down on our nervous system and show up as challenges to our health, focus, productivity, behavior, and relationships.

As we lose our ability to adapt, we start to experience a flooding of incomplete stress responses, known as chronic stress. Chronic stress wreaks havoc on our health, impacts biological energy conservation, and makes us less attuned to the need for self-care.


Somatic Stress Release™ is a holistic approach that recognizes the complex layering of each individual's relationship to stress. Stress manifests itself in each person’s body differently. Understanding this unique body response allows each person to process and navigate the intricate layers of stress. One of the most effective pathways towards that awareness and negotiation is through feeling a deeper sense of and connection with the body-mind, an approach called somatics.

‘Soma’ is a Greek word for ‘the living body known from within’. As infants, we addressed stress through our primarily modes of communication and expression- movement, sound, and touch. Stress is experienced and expressed through the body- and therefore can only truly be processed, metabolized, and healed through the body. We can’t think our way out of stress, and we can’t meditate our way out of stress. Stress is fundamental to our survival- however it was never meant to be unchecked and driving our lives.

The inability to process and actualize our stress response creates an overwhelm in the body. This can take us away from feeling at home in our body, and creating a split within ourselves. This disconnection leaves us with less resources to work through stress to adapt and return to balance. Addressing this damaging cycle is an integral component of this modality.

Returning to our primal modes of processing stress through body-based therapeutic techniques allows us to come home to ourselves to address habitual responses more quickly of internal and external stressors, and processes unresolved and stored stress in the body.

Somatic Stress Release™ offers holistic techniques for clients to sense and regulate their own physiology and states of being. This includes building more resources, building trusting and co-regulatory relationships, being invited deeper in the body to restore impulse and intuition, and given time and space to process the underlying emotions as guidance towards actualizing needs. Somatic Stress Release can access and metabolize deeply stored stress to help restore optimal functioning and well-being.


Join us and learn the power of somatics to release stress and restore resilience!


This program is a certification process that distills an educational methodology to integrate into a variety of modalities such as:

• Social Workers

• Mental Health & Pastoral Counselors

• Yoga Therapists / Yoga Teachers

• Movement Therapists

• Coaches

• Physicians (MD, DO, ND, DC & others) & Physician Assistants

• Nurses & Nurse Practitioners

• Psychologists

• Emergency Medical Personnel

• Meditation Teachers

• Educators

• Massage Therapists & Body Workers

• Acupuncturists

• Hypnotherapists

• Kinesiologists

• Complementary & Alternative Medicine Professionals

• Clergy & Religious Leaders

• Other Wellness Professionals

• Anyone seeking to gain a deeper understanding of human relationships and the power of Somatic Stress Release™


“Equanimity is not about pretending that things don’t affect you. Equanimity is actually about realizing that everything affects you, and learning to stay present with that truth.”




Dr. Scott Lyons is a licensed holistic psychologist, educator and author of the book Addicted to Drama: Healing Dependency on Crisis and Chaos in Yourself and Others, with Hachette publishing. Scott is also the host of The Gently Used Human Podcast, a delightfully depthful and often hilarious exploration of what it is to be human, to have lived life, and come out gently used.

As a renowned body-based trauma expert, Doctor of Osteopathy (Spain) and Mind-Body Medicine specialist, Scott helps people to break free from cycles of pain, limited beliefs, and trauma. Scott is an innovator in transformative wellness and trauma therapy, teaching over half a million people internationally over the past twenty years how to relieve stress and restore vitality. Scott has worked with many of the country’s top leaders and CEOs as an executive coach and wellness consultant.

Scott is the creator of The Embody Lab—the largest online learning platform for body-based trauma therapies—and developer of Somatic Stress Release™, a holistic process of restoring biological resilience, taught in over 20 countries.

Scott is a Certified Body-Mind Centering™ Teacher and Practitioner, Cranio-Sacral Therapist, Visceral Manipulation Therapist, Neuro-Developmental Therapist, Infant Developmental Movement Educator, Registered Movement Therapist and Educator, Trauma Therapist, Somatic Experiencing Practitioner, Thai Massage Practitioner, Clinical Hypnotherapist, Mindfulness-based Executive Coach, Experiential Anatomy/ Developmental Movement and Yoga Practitioner, and a 500-hour registered yoga teacher. Additionally Scott holds a BFA in Theater/Psychology, MFA in Dance/Choreography, MS in Clinical Psychology, and a PhD in Clinical Psychology and Mind-Body Medicine.

Scott has been featured in The New York Times, Vanity Fair, ForbesWomen, Fast Company, The Telegraph, The Guardian, INC., CNBC Make It, Fortune, Bustle, Reader’s Digest and Goop. He has also appeared on The Mel Robbins Podcast, The Jordan Harbinger Show, The We Can Do Hard Things Podcast, The Mental Illness Happy Hour, The Human Upgrade, The Genius Life, and The Chopra Well.




This 100-hour certificate program is a combination of recordings and (optional) live training sessions with Dr. Scott Lyons and community check-ins. However please note that the entire program can be completed via the recordings.

In addition to utilizing body-based stress release techniques, these immersions will also integrate experiential anatomy and physiology, mind-body medicine techniques, elements of cognitive-behavioral therapy, movement meditations, and yoga nidra. For a full breakdown of the topics covered in each module are featured below.




• Introduction to Somatics and Somatic Therapy

• Introduction to the History of Stress

• Mind-Body Medicine for Stress

• Mobilization Practices of Stress 1

• Movement-Therapy Approaches for Stress Release

• Stress Response Cycle 1

• Embodied Resilience Work

• Experiential Anatomy of Stress

• Understanding and working with pain and stress cycles.

• Integration of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and Somatics for Stress

• Integration of Compassion and Acceptance Therapy

• Muscular-Fascial Release Work with Balls- Full Body Protocol

• Authentic Movement Practices

• Restoring and actualizing impulses through both intrinsic movement and contained/structured movement.


• Stress Response Cycle 2 / Breaks

• Addressing Resistance In The Stress Response Cycle

• Healing Boundary Ruptures

• Proprioception Re-Patterning

• Central Nervous System Tension Release

• Experiential Anatomy of Stress 2

• Precentral - Motor Balancing Techniques

• Iliopsoas Complex Release Work

• Body Work and Manual Therapy for Stress Release

• Organ/ Enteric Nervous System Release Work

• Somatic Eye Work Protocols for stress Desensitization

• Full-body vocal work to support stress mobilization

• Embodied Breath Work

• Authentic Movement Practices 2

• Somatic Approaches to working With Freeze/ Immobilization Patterns

• Attachment Theory and Associated Stress Patterns

• Somatic Application of Polyvagal Theory and Stress

• Tremoring and Mobilization Practices 2

• Motor Reflex Repatterning (Startle Reflex Release)

• Nutrition for Stress Reduction


• Embodied Practitioner Skills

• Stress Postural Assessment and Repatterning

• Dialogue Work for Somatic Stress Release

• Experiential Anatomy of Stress 3

• Addressing Autoimmune and Inflammatory diseases through Somatic Stress Release™

• Unwinding Stress Memories

• Practice sessions with feedback

• Self Hypnosis for Stress


Online support sessions will be offered after each module to help participants integrate the material.



LIVE & ONLINE: June 22nd - September 17th, 2025

This 100-hour certificate program will be available to watch live online, as well as on-demand at your own pace from your Online Content Library.

The complete recordings for each level will be made available at the conclusion of the live Day 1 program for each level. Please see the full Certification Requirements below.

PLEASE NOTE: The 3 private practical sessions and the 2 sessions you conduct with a Somatic Stress Release™ practitioner required to receive the full 100-hr certification are not included in the cost of the training. Each SSR practitioner sets their own fees, but they typically range from $90 - $150 per session. Sessions can be completed online via Zoom. See Certification Requirements below for more information.


Register before June 4th, 2025 to receive your bonus package valued at $297 for free!




Upon registration you will receive a welcome email with details on how to access the program. You will have lifetime access to the on-demand training sessions.

$2181 $1947 USD

Save $234 with the bundle.





Please note: the 3 private practical sessions and the 2 sessions you conduct with a Somatic Stress Release™ practitioner required to receive the full 100-hr certification are not included in the cost of the training. Each SSR practitioner sets their own fees, but they typically range from $90 - $150 per session. Sessions can be completed online via Zoom. Please see the full Certification Requirements below.


Not ready to complete the full certificate?

Each level of Somatic Stress Release™ can be purchased as an individual workshop. You will have lifetime access to the recordings.







  • Identify yours and other’s resources for negotiating stress.

  • Learn embodied mindfulness and resilience training techniques.

  • Engage in movement meditations and breath work to release trapped or stored arousal energy.

  • Stop burnout and rebuild depleted biological resources.

  • Apply manual-therapy techniques to guided meditation.

  • Learn to take control of your relationship to stress in order to live a life of greater well-being.


  • Gain a deeper understanding of the biological, social, and psychological aspects of stress.

  • Identify somatic symptoms and triggers for emotional and physical distress.

  • Learn to work with stress as it is reflected in facial expressions, posture, muscular patterns, or other forms of body language.

  • Learn cognitive reframing and stress tolerance techniques.

  • Explore self hypnosis for relaxation.

  • Learn neuromuscular repatterning procedures to release unconscious habituated stress cycles.

Learn the power of somatics to unblock stuck emotions, release body tension, restore resilience, and free yourself and others from the ongoing impact of stress on your wellbeing.


Participants will receive a Certificate of Participation in Somatic Stress Release™ after each module. You will be eligible for your 100hr Somatic Stress Release™ Practitioner Certification after you have:

• Attended live or watched the recordings for all SSR levels 1, 2 and 3

• Attended or watch the recording of the online support sessions offered after each module to help participants integrate the material

• Completed 10 hours of student practice sessions with reports (minimum session length of 45 minutes) after you have finished all three levels.

• Conducted 2 demo sessions with a client, with the lead assistant observing the session and giving feedback*

• Completed 3 private practical sessions with a Somatic Stress Release™ Practitioner*

*Please note that the 3 private practical sessions and the 2 demo sessions you conduct with a Somatic Stress Release™ practitioner required to receive the full 100-hr certification are not included in the cost of the training. Each SSR practitioner sets their own fees, but they typically range from $90 - $150 per session. Sessions can be completed online via Zoom.



The 100hr certificate program consists of three separate training levels, and may be taken live online, and at your own pace via the on-demand recordings. The dates for the live program are June 22nd - September 17th, 2025.

Each level includes a 1-day live session with Dr Scott Lyons, 30-hours of on-demand learning, and live community connection sessions with Senior Somatic Stress Release Assistants Kate Middleton and Shanyn Emerson. Each level also includes self-paced work through the 30-hour modules.


There are no homework assignments during the program. Please see Certificate of Participation and Practitioner Certification sections below for more information.


ONLINE LEARNING PLATFORM: The online learning platform will host all the information about the course including:

• Detailed schedule
• How to access the online sessions
• Supporting materials such as PDFs of the reading material and presentations


VIDEO / AUDIO: Within the online learning platform, students may watch the video within their online library or download the video or audio to their computer. They will have lifetime access to the content.

READING LISTS: Manuals will be provided for each level in PDF format.


Participants will receive a Certificate of Participation of Somatic Stress Release™ after each module.


Participants who are a member with Yoga Alliance will be eligible to receive 30 hours of CEU’s after completion of each module (Levels 1—3) and an additional 10 hours for the completion of the homework.

Completion of the entire Somatic Stress Release™ Certificate is therefore eligible for 100 hours of CEU's with Yoga Alliance.

If you have any other professional memberships you’ll need to apply to that organisation directly.


You will be eligible for your 100hr Somatic Stress Release™ Practitioner Certification after you have:

• Attended live or watched the recordings for all SSR levels 1, 2 and 3

• Attended or watch the recording of the online support sessions offered after each module to help participants integrate the material

• Completed 10 hours of student practice sessions with reports (minimum session length of 45 minutes) after you have finished all three levels.

• Conducted 2 demo sessions with a client, with the lead assistant observing the session and giving feedback*

• Completed 3 private practical sessions with a Somatic Stress Release™ Practitioner*

Please note that the 3 private practical sessions and the 2 sessions you conduct with a Somatic Stress Release™ practitioner required to receive the full 100-hr certification are not included in the cost of the training. Each SSR practitioner sets their own fees, but they typically range from $90 - $150 per session. Sessions can be completed online via Zoom.


Enroll for the certificate program by choosing one of two registration options— register for the live training bundle which includes all 3 live trainings, or register individually for each training. Once you register, you will receive a welcome email with how to access all the details for the certificate program.

If you’re ready to free yourself and others from blocked emotions, body tension, stagnated energy, and the ongoing impact of stress on your wellbeing then join us and learn the power of somatics to release stress and restore resilience!



+ Who is this program designed for?

This program is a certification process that distills an educational methodology to integrate into a variety of modalities such as: Social Workers, Mental Health & Pastoral Counselors, Yoga Therapists / Yoga Teachers, Movement Therapists, Coaches, Physicians (MD, DO, ND, DC & others) & Physician Assistants, Nurses & Nurse Practitioners, Psychologists, Emergency Medical Personnel, Meditation Teachers, Educators, Massage Therapists, Acupuncturists & Body Workers, Hypnotherapists, Kinesiologists, Complementary & Alternative Medicine Professionals, Clergy & Religious Leaders, other Wellness Professionals, and anyone seeking to gain a deeper understanding of the power of somatics to release stress and restore resilience.

This is an education program and not a licenser program

+ What are the dates, schedule and time commitment?

Each level includes a 1-day live session with Dr Scott Lyons, 30-hours of on-demand learning, and live community connection sessions with Senior Somatic Stress Release™ Assistants Kate Middleton and Shanyn Emerson. Each level also includes self-paced work through the 30-hour modules.


  • SUN, JUNE 22ND, 2025 from 10am-12:30pm + 1:30-4pm ET Live Session with Dr. Scott Lyons and SSR Senior Somatic Stress Release Assistants Kate Middleton and Shanyn Emerson

  • WED, JULY 9TH, 2025 from 12 - 2pm ET Review session with SSR Senior Somatic Stress Release Assistants Kate Middleton and Shanyn Emerson

  • WED, JULY 16TH, 2025 from 12 - 2pm ET Review session with SSR Senior Somatic Stress Release Assistants Kate Middleton and Shanyn Emerson

  • MON, JULY 21ST, 2025 from 4 - 5:30pm ET Q & A session with Dr. Scott Lyons

  • WED, JULY 23RD, 2025 from 12 - 2pm ET Review session with SSR Senior Somatic Stress Release Assistants Kate Middleton and Shanyn Emerson


  • SAT, JULY 26TH, 2025 from 10am-12:30pm + 1:30-4pm ET Live Session with Dr. Scott Lyons and SSR Senior Somatic Stress Release Assistants Kate Middleton and Shanyn Emerson

  • WED, AUGUST 6TH, 2025 from 12 - 2pm ET Review session with SSR Senior Somatic Stress Release Assistants Kate Middleton and Shanyn Emerson

  • WED, AUGUST 13TH, 2025 from 12 - 2pm ET Review session with SSR Senior Somatic Stress Release Assistants Kate Middleton and Shanyn Emerson

  • MON, AUGUST 18TH, 2025 from 4 - 5:30pm ET Q & A session with Dr. Scott Lyons

  • WED, AUGUST 20TH, 2025 from 12 - 2pm ET Review session with SSR Senior Somatic Stress Release Assistants Kate Middleton and Shanyn Emerson


  • SAT, AUG 23RD, 2025 from 10am-12:30pm + 1:30-4pm ET Live Session with Dr. Scott Lyons and SSR Senior Somatic Stress Release Assistants Kate Middleton and Shanyn Emerson

  • WED, SEPTEMBER 3RD, 2025 from 12 - 2pm ET Review session with SSR Senior Somatic Stress Release Assistants Kate Middleton and Shanyn Emerson

  • WED, SEPTEMBER 10TH, 2025 from 12 - 2pm ET Review session with SSR Senior Somatic Stress Release Assistants Kate Middleton and Shanyn Emerson

  • MON, SEPTEMBER 15TH, 2025 from 4 - 5:30pm ET Q & A session with Dr. Scott Lyons

  • WED, SEPTEMBER 17TH, 2025 from 12 - 2pm ET Review session with SSR Senior Somatic Stress Release Assistants Kate Middleton and Shanyn Emerson

+ Will all levels of Somatic Stress Release™ be online?

Yes. You’ll receive access to the LIVE training sessions, plus you’ll receive LIFETIME access to the full suite of recordings. You’ll also get a detailed and comprehensive training manual to accompany each training.

+ Do I need to attend live or am I able to watch recordings?

All live sessions will also be recorded and students may watch in their own time (more information below). Please note, captioning is only available during live sessions.

+ How can I interact with the instructors? Will I receive guidance?

During each of the live sessions, the instructor will have a Q&A period where you may ask questions. A private online community forum will also be provided for the certificate.

+ How much homework will there be?

If you are completing the entire certification (Levels 1—3), in addition to attending live or watching the recordings of the training sessions, you will also need to have:

• Attended live or watched the recordings for all SSR levels 1, 2 and 3

• Attended or watch the recording of the online support sessions offered after each module to help participants integrate the material

• Completed 10 hours of student practice sessions with reports (minimum session length of 45 minutes) after you have finished all three levels.

• Conducted 2 demo sessions with a client, with the lead assistant observing the session and giving feedback*

• Completed 3 private practical sessions with a Somatic Stress Release™ Practitioner*

Please note that the 3 private practical sessions and the 2 sessions you conduct with a Somatic Stress Release™ practitioner required to receive the full 100-hr certification are not included in the cost of the training. Each SSR practitioner sets their own fees, but they typically range from $90 - $150 per session. Sessions can be completed online via Zoom.

+ Do I need to attend live or can I complete the course via the recordings?

Yes you can! When you register for the training you’ll also receive LIFETIME access to the full suite of recordings. You can complete the training live, or you can complete it via the on-demand recordings in your own time (and your own timezone!).

Please note, captioning is only available during live sessions.

+ What’s included in the cost of the training course?

You’ll receive access to the LIVE training sessions, plus you’ll receive LIFETIME access to the full suite of recordings. You’ll also get a detailed and comprehensive training manual to accompany each training.

Online support sessions will also be included after each level to help participants integrate the material.

Please note that the 3 private practical sessions and the 2 sessions you conduct with a Somatic Stress Release™ practitioner required to receive the full 100-hr certification are not included in the cost of the training. Each SSR practitioner sets their own fees, but they typically range from $90 - $150 per session. Sessions can be completed online via Zoom.

+ What are the steps to the full certification?

Receive your Certificate of Completion for 100 hours after you have:

• Attended or watch the recording of the online support sessions offered after each module to help participants integrate the material

• Completed 10 hours of student practice sessions with reports (minimum session length of 45 minutes) after you have finished all three levels.

• Conducted 2 demo sessions with a client, with the lead assistant observing the session and giving feedback*

• Completed 3 private practical sessions with a Somatic Stress Release™ Practitioner*

All students who complete this program will receive a certificate of completion whether they attend it LIVE or watch the RECORDINGS.

*Please note that the 3 private practical sessions and the 2 sessions you conduct with a Somatic Stress Release™ practitioner required to receive the full 100-hr certification are not included in the cost of the training. Each SSR practitioner sets their own fees, but they typically range from $90 - $150 per session. Sessions can be completed online via Zoom.

+ How do the 3 private practical sessions with a practitioner work online and how much will they cost?

You’ll be given a list of practitioners to choose from to complete these sessions. Please note that the 3 private practical sessions and the 2 demo sessions you conduct with a Somatic Stress Release™ practitioner required to receive the full 100-hr certification are not included in the cost of the training. Each SSR practitioner sets their own fees, but they typically range from $90 - $150 per session. Sessions can be completed online via Zoom.

+ What am I certified for?

You’ll be certified as a Somatic Stress Release™ Practitioner.

+ Once I have my certificate, can I advertise as a Somatic Stress Release™ Practitioner?


+ Is there a payment plan?

Yes! We appreciate that the certification is a big investment, so when you sign up for the three-course bundle we split the payment across three equal payments.

+ Do you offer scholarships?

Our commitment to accessibility includes offering the following scholarships for the full LIVE SSR program (Levels 1, 2, and 3):

For every 200 enrolled students, we are able to offer:

  • 5 Full Scholarships (100%)
  • 5 Partial Scholarships (50%)

How to Apply:

  • Please apply by end of day (11:59pm PT) on Friday, May 30th by completing this Google form: https://forms.gle/wBa9fCjwEmHyTvJt9
  • For those who submit by the due date, scholarships will be communicated end of day (11:59pm PT) on Saturday, June 7th

+ Is there a deadline for registration?

To attend the live programs registration is open until the day before the training commences. The trainings can also be completed in your own time via recordings and these can be commenced at anytime.

+ Do you offer refunds?

We offer a Registration Guarantee which means that if you register but decide the course isn’t right for you, we’ll refund your course fee - no questions asked - up to 48 hours before the course start date after which no refunds are available.

+ How can I access the online course and recordings?

ZOOM FOR LIVE SESSIONS: The live trainings will be offered online using the video conferencing platform Zoom, in meeting format, to allow instructors and students to interact, ask questions and participate in breakout sessions.

ONLINE LEARNING PLATFORM: Once you register, you will receive access to our online learning platform which will include all the information about the certificate, including:

  • Detailed schedules
  • How to access the live sessions via Zoom
  • Recordings of all live sessions uploaded within 48 hours of the end of the live session
  • Supporting materials provided by your instructors

ACCESSIBILITY | Video / Audio: Within our online learning platform, you may watch the video within your online library or download the video or audio to your computer. You will have lifetime access to the content.

ACCESSIBILITY | Live Captioning / Transcripts: Captioning during live sessions and transcripts will be offered in English.

+ Is this a theoretical or practical (experiential) program?

While some theory will be presented to support the learning, the primary focus of the practice is experiential, giving practical tools for the participants. Please dress in comfortable clothing and be prepared to move in the sessions.

+ Will I receive Continuing Education Credits for the completion of this training?


If you are a member with Yoga Alliance, you will be eligible to receive 30 hours of CEU’s after completion of each level of training or 100 hours if you complete all 3 levels plus the additional homework.


More information will be provided on the number of CEs available for this program and how to register. Please note - Live attendance is required.

*To register your interest for CE credits for this program and more detailed information, please visit this link: https://forms.gle/76mwhjgG5vnzVw9BA

Below is more information on the health professionals which may be eligible for CEs through the Spiritual Competency Academy (SCA) which is co-sponsoring this program.

CE credits for psychologists are provided by the Spiritual Competency Academy (SCA) which is co-sponsoring this program. The Spiritual Competency Academy is approved by the American Psychological Association to sponsor continuing education for psychologists. Spiritual Competency Academy maintains responsibility for this program and its content.

The California Board of Behavioral Sciences accepts CE credits for LCSW, LPCC, LEP, and LMFT license renewal for programs offered by approved sponsors of CE by the American Psychological Association.

SCA is approved by the California Board of Registered Nursing (BRN Provider CEP16887) for licensed nurses in California. RNs must retain this document for 4 years after the course concludes.


Health professionals from a state or country outside of California need to check with their licensing boards as to whether or not they accept programs offered by approved sponsors of Continuing Education by the American Psychological Association (APA).


If your credential is not listed, please check with your licensing board as to whether or not they accept programs offered by approved sponsors of Continuing Education by the American Psychological Association (APA).

The SCA and The Embody Lab are not able to determine your eligibility. If you have any other professional memberships you’ll need to apply to that organisation directly.

Angle Right

“The Somatic Stress Release™ training with Dr. Scott Lyons was a really powerful introduction to the way we experience stress in the body, uncovering our common patterns for responding to stress, and best of all a range of practices that help us move past stress and take more control of our lives. It gave me an incredibly helpful frame of how to better support myself and others with stressful events and responses in life. But what makes Scott’s training so powerful is the immersive experience he creates, interweaving lecture with practice and embodied experiences that not only help you get a more complete conceptual understanding of the work, but an embodied one from real experience—so that you go home embodying and practicing the concepts right away. Can’t recommend it enough, and can’t wait for the next one!”



“The Somatic Stress Release™ training with Dr. Scott Lyons fundamentally re-oriented how I think about stress in just 5 days. My personal background is varied and includes notoriously stressful environments such as military service, consulting and startup software engineering. Scott doesn’t offer quick fix tricks to somehow make your stress magically go away. Instead, he dives into a deep exploration of what stress is, and how it’s woven into the fabric of our lives. By expertly layering academic research, experiential exercises, and group discussions, Scott has a unique talent to facilitate the journey of helping us understand what makes us human. Somatic Stress Release™ was a deep dive into the study of how stress arises both within myself and others. Equipped with actionable techniques and tools, I left the training with a newfound capacity to create space between stressors and my response to them, as well as begin to facilitate others in doing the same.”

- ARI S.


“Scott is an accomplished facilitator and this course more than lives up to its promise. The presented paradigm of stress and stress response energy was insightful, evidence based, and transcended any other approach I have encountered despite years in the field. Scott has a breadth of knowledge and an openness of mind and intellect which allowed the presentations to be evolved from neuroscience, bodywork, psychotherapy, and osteopathy but without bias or judgement to one simplistic truth, just the truth that simply is. This was further endorsed by its harness in experiential practice. Scott conveys a genuine warmth as a facilitator whilst casting both light on insights and uncovering shadows in one’s own stress response framework. The result is a layered understanding of how stress is an integral part of the human experience and it is how the manifested energy mobilizes which is the key to having personal and client freedom.”


“The Somatic Stress Release™ training with Dr. Scott Lyons was an unfathomable source of knowledge and wisdom. Every time I have studied under him, I took back with me not only numerous new tools and in-depth information but also fresh ideas and inspiration. As a mother, entrepreneur, and yoga facilitator, I was particularly interested in his programme on Somatic Stress Release™, because nowadays the term stress is so widely used and present in everyone’s life. With Scott’s help, we were able to dissect what lies beneath this term and find answers to questions some of which hadn’t even been asked yet. I warmly recommend getting to know Scott, studying or having sessions with him. It will certainly open up incredible insights and new dimensions for you.”



Not ready to complete the full certificate?

Each level of Somatic Stress Release™ can be purchased as an individual workshop. You will have lifetime access to the recordings.








Sunday, June 1st, 2025 from 3 - 4:30pm ET

Join Dr. Scott Lyons, founder of The Embody Lab and the Somatic Stress Release™ program, for the info session where he offers answers to the most frequently asked questions.