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EMOTIONS Embodied Yoga EMOTIONS Embodied Yoga

Bereavement Companionship and Somatic Group Work

Bereavement companionship circles offer a safe haven for the bereft to share vulnerable grief stories associated with a significant loss of a loved one. The collective wisdom of the group springs forth from the tapestry of interweaving grief stories. Connections are deeply cultivated in group storytelling and leave participants feeling less isolated along their grief journey.

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The Transformative Power of Internal Family Systems (IFS) For Individuals and Therapists

Internal Family Systems (IFS) stands out as a profound therapeutic approach for individuals navigating personal healing and therapists facilitating transformative sessions. Developed by Dr. Richard Schwartz, IFS introduces a distinctive framework centered around the concept of the Self. The following information was shared in a live conversation between Dr. Scott Lyons, Dr. Richard Schwartz, and Dr. Peter Levine on the topic of Internal Family Systems (IFS).

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Somatic Therapeutic Modalities Embodied Yoga Somatic Therapeutic Modalities Embodied Yoga

Integrating Yoga Therapy and EMDR: A Somatic Approach to Trauma Healing

There is a synergy between Yoga Therapy and Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) in facilitating comprehensive trauma healing. Drawing upon the insights of 30 years of teaching and an understanding of the Kosha model and Ayurvedic principles, this integrative approach offers a holistic framework for understanding and treating trauma.

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Embodied Breathwork Embodied Yoga Embodied Breathwork Embodied Yoga

Our Breathing Body: Breathing Practices to Attune to Your Nervous System and Come Back to Your Center

Our breath is a window into our bodily state (nervous system state) and is also the fastest way to modulate our bodily state and intervene at the physiological level. By changing our physiology, the breath has the power to affect our nervous system state and the emerging feelings, emotions, behaviors, and thoughts.

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Burnout and the Radical Path of Non-Abandonment of Self

It takes an enormous amount of courage and vulnerability to talk about and get curious about burnout. At its core, burnout actually reflects a very important set of primal human needs and wishes - safety, belonging, and dignity. Burnout is simply a response to overwhelming life experiences. An adaptive strategy to the underlying need for safety, slowing down, and a holding environment where all parts of oneself are welcome, seen, heard, and acknowledged.

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Holiday Stress: 5 Ways to Stay True to You When Visiting Family

Are you feeling the stress of the holidays? You’re not alone. The holidays can be the most stressful time of year for many if not most of us: in the U.S., a whopping 89% of adults say that anticipating family conflict, among other factors, causes them stress at this time of year.

If you’re choosing to spend your holidays with family, here are some somatic and cognitive practices to support you as you navigate the joys and challenges of the season.

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Embodied Social Justice Embodied Yoga Embodied Social Justice Embodied Yoga

Human Harmonies

Awareness of both our own and another’s pain is a way into more transformative tenderness. Conditions of claiming and care can be crafted: to claim how trauma has shaped each of us and to care about the impact of trauma on other people. This dual capacity of attunement in activism is alchemical, potent, and preserving of liberatory community. The space between—the field—is a web that is both hurt and informed by trauma.

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Embodied Conflict Resolution Embodied Yoga Embodied Conflict Resolution Embodied Yoga

The Power Within: The Crucial Role of Somatic Awareness and Validation in Leadership

In the realm of business success, optimal team performance lies primarily in problem-solving strategies and a deeper understanding of human nature. Listening to validate first is an important yet often overlooked leadership skill. Its influence lies not just in its capacity to generate solutions but in its ability to calm the nervous system and leverage clear thinking.

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Back to the Land

Becoming as embodied and connected to the earth as we can is potentially one of the most deeply spiritual experiences we can have whilst on this planet. Rather than this never-ending quest to go up and out, connect with something greater, and be outside of ourselves, perhaps what needs to happen is to find a place of more balance with our earthly selves.

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Somatic Practices Embodied Yoga Somatic Practices Embodied Yoga

How I Found Somatic Healing

The first time I ever experienced an emotion in my body was one day in a yin yoga class, in pigeon pose. I felt these sensations bubbling up from deep within my hips, rising to the surface when I had historically fought so hard to push them down throughout my usual day-to-day life.

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What is Ukemi?

“How do you ~do~ that?” is a frequent question usually referring to ukemi when directed to me. The quiet falls, smooth rolls, breakfalls, high falls, quick get ups, strong attacks - there are so many tangible skills, but the sum of all those together still don’t quite capture great ukemi. An uke can learn, practice, and do all those things, but where’s the je ne sais quoi?

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Embracing Nature: Eco Therapy for Somatic Trauma Healing

Eco therapy, also known as nature therapy or “green therapy”, is a therapeutic approach that taps into the healing power of nature to address various mental and physical health issues. Drawing inspiration from the vast expanses of natural resources and the calming effects of the great outdoors, eco therapy offers a holistic path towards healing and personal growth.

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ADDICTION Embodied Yoga ADDICTION Embodied Yoga

Excerpt from “The Mind-Body Guide to the Twelve Steps: Finding Joy, Sensuality, and Pleasure in Recovery—Integrative Spiritual and Somatic Practices for Healing from Trauma and Addiction”

Twelve Step recovery offers a profound approach for recovery from all types of addictions. The Steps can bring awareness to, and eventually freedom from, our dependency on unhealthy patterns, substances, and behaviors—whether it be drugs, alcohol, or sugar; overeating or undereating or compulsive exercise; compulsive shopping, workaholism, debting, or underearning; technology or sex or gambling or unhealthy relational dynamics—all of the ever-present behaviors that result in the devastation of our bodies, our relationships, and the Earth.

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Reigniting the “Spark” Through Intimacy Coaching

As partners become more familiar and comfortable with each other, it is natural to begin moving from the “honeymoon phase” into a more mature type of love. Some couples may choose to throw the towel; however, with a commitment to growth, couples can continue to deepen their connection far beyond the initial rush of new love. Intimacy coaching is one tool that can help couples accomplish just that.

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