COVID-19 Policy Information

Health and Safety

The health and safety of all visitors to our conferences remains our priority. 

We recognize the perspective and application of what is “safe” varies among many people and while we recognize we can’t adhere to everyone’s ideals and parameters of what safety is for them, this document contains the pillars of safety to which we are working with in this immersion.

We remain current with local (San Diego, California) government policy and venue health and safety guidelines and will adhere to these as the foundations for our policy. 


COVID-19 testing prior to travel and upon arrival is recommended. Participants are encouraged to check the CDC website in relationship to actions in response to positive covid tests.


Mask wearing is optional.  Please respect all individuals' choices in relation to this.


When indoors, we will use natural ventilation (i.e., opening doors/windows if possible and safe to do so) to increase outdoor air dilution of indoor air when environmental conditions (weather) and building requirements allow.

Town and Country use MERV 13 type filters.  These filters are changed twice a year, as a secondary filtration, they also use a bag system Merv rating of 10 to ensure excellent indoor air quality. As they are a non-smoking facility this exceeds the recommended ratings of commercial buildings. 

Each participant is responsible for understanding their own conditions and needs and while the organizer will do their best to accommodate they may not be able to attend to all requests.


Hand Hygiene

Please be mindful of hand hygiene. The best hand hygiene is frequent handwashing. Wash hands and/or use alcohol-based hand sanitizer, especially between contact with others or communal items.