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What is Ukemi?
“How do you ~do~ that?” is a frequent question usually referring to ukemi when directed to me. The quiet falls, smooth rolls, breakfalls, high falls, quick get ups, strong attacks - there are so many tangible skills, but the sum of all those together still don’t quite capture great ukemi. An uke can learn, practice, and do all those things, but where’s the je ne sais quoi?
What Advice Would You Offer to Someone Starting Out Their Coaching Journey?
We recently caught up with the some of the faculty from our Mind-Body Coaching Certificate and asked them what advice they would offer to someone starting out their coaching journey.
Find out what they had to say….
What Excites Our Faculty About the Mind-Body Coaching Program?
We recently caught up with the some of the faculty from our Mind-Body Coaching Certificate and asked them what they find unique and exciting about the program.
Find out what they had to say….