Dr. Sará King - A Game Changer

Dr. Sará King has been named by Yoga Journal as one of the 15 most Influential Yogis You Need to Know About! We’re thrilled to see Yoga Journal recognize Dr. Sará King for her work connecting science, yoga, and social justice

“We cannot effectively work toward social justice in our communities without taking care of our hearts, minds, and bodies, and vice versa,” says Sará King, PhD.

Yoga Journal writes, with a background in neuroscience, linguistics, political science, African-American studies, and education, as well as her yoga and meditation training, King uses yoga and other somatic and contemplative practices to help people embody a sense of social justice and liberation, and to heal from intergenerational trauma. And she applies it in all kinds of ways.

The Embody Lab was honored to have Dr. Sará King —along with Rev. angel Kyodo williams and Rae Johnson, PhD, as a co-director of the Embodied Social Justice Certificate program—spent three months teaching more than 700 students how systemic oppression impacts people physiologically, emotionally, and psychologically.

You can read the full article here.

Dr. Sará King —along with Rev. angel Kyodo williams and Dr Rae Johnson - along with some of the world’s leading thinkers on somatics and social justice - will be returning to The Embody Lab in 2022 for our second iteration of the Embodied Social Justice Certificate program Will you join us?


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