Dr Scott Lyons speaks with Evolving Man - Ben Goresky

Ben Goresky is a counsellor, coach and an explorer of consciousness. He is the founder of @evolvingman and for 15 years he has worked with men who want to find their next level of freedom. The work he does with men is the work he has done on himself and his areas of focus are Men’s Work, Relationships, and Addiction Recovery.

Dr. Scott Lyons is a Clinical Psychologist, Osteopath, Mind-Body Medicine practitioner, and the founder of The Embody Lab. In this podcast he joins Ben to discuss the power of somatic work to heal trauma and reconnect people to their bodies.

If you are curious about somatic therapy, this episode is a must-listen. They discuss Scott’s upcoming training for practitioners to learn about Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy. Their conversation explores the power of somatic therapy to heal including

  • The definition of somatic therapy.

  • Embodiment: working with the body to heal trauma. Learning disabilities, and medication.

  • Dance as a form of medicine.

  • Scott’s journey to somatic therapy.

  • The Wisdom of Trauma.

  • How somatic therapy works and how it differs from other therapeutic practices.

  • The first universal languages: sensation and breath.

  • The importance of touch, movement, and sound.

  • Education systems that disconnect us from our bodies.

  • Top/down vs. bottom/up healing approaches.

  • Childhood experiences impacting adulthood behavior.

  • Building up “somatic resources”.

  • Diagnosed PTSD and the potential to heal.

  • Common somatic practices.

  • Conflict resolution.

  • Ancestral medicine.

  • Trauma sensitive yoga.

  • Childhood depression is linked to screen time.

  • Human beings are nature.

  • The ticket to wellness is embodiment.

  • How to find a somatic therapist.

  • Balancing fire with water.

Watch the conversation below or listen here


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